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Modificar patrones
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Comience con patrones simples
  • Busque patrones de costura de Burda, Kwik Sew y patrones etiquetados como 'Fácil'

  • Empiece de forma simple y hágala complicada. Es mucho más fácil agregar o modificar costuras que eliminarlas de un patrón.

Realizar modificaciones en papel vegetal o vitela.
  • Puede comprar rollos de papel de calco en tiendas de arte, tiendas de manualidades y en línea.

  • El papel de calco sueco o Pellon Easy Pattern son tipos de papel para patrones que se pueden coser y que facilitan la creación de patrones y su conversión en maquetas.

Haz una "maqueta"
  • Este es un primer borrador de tu disfraz. Por lo general, se fabrican con muselina, algodón ligero o tela barata.

  • Realice ajustes en su maqueta antes de realizar modificaciones en su tejido final. ¡Una maqueta es para cometer errores y modificaciones para que no desperdicie sus mejores telas!

¡Pergaminos de conocimiento! (También conocido como mis libros de costura favoritos)
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  • Use an alias instead of a real name on accounts that allow for this. Twitter, TikTok & Instagram are places with large cosplay communities that allow you to use a screen name to identify yourself.

  • Set up a cosplay email account to keep your correspondence with photographers and other cosplayers separate from your own personal account.

  • Instead of listing the city in which you live on your profile, use state or region information.

  • If you anticipate needing to give out a phone number to others at an event, sign up for a Google Voice number. It’s free to sign up for one and you can use it from your phone like your normal number.

  • Beef up your social media security settings & consider closing your DMs to accept only friends and those you follow.

  • If you are a minor, consider using a ‘locked’ account. Some sites like Twitter allow users to keep their posts from being public.

  • ‘Block’ is your shield. Use it. There’s nothing wrong with saying ‘this person can’t communicate with me or view my content’ for any reason.

  • Don’t be guilted by the guilty. Some bad actors online may try to overstep your boundaries & guilt you into accommodating them. Don’t fall for it. Predators attempt to trick you out of following your gut instinct. A person who is socially awkward will apologize and feel terrible for overstepping your boundaries. A creep will try to make YOU apologize.

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